Knowing all the tricks of the trade, DIY knows how pallet wood can be recycled to get a variety of stylish yet functional items needed for every home. That’s why today we are here with a unique and innovative use of pallet wood, which has been turned into this DIY simply styled and practical lamp for a versatile possession this time. All you would require for its feasible composition is a pallet log; if not available then you can join some pallet pieces to shape up this box like lamp base with easy electric setting in it.
An ordinary and cheap bulb has bee topped on it but you can use from the variety of gorgeously styled bulbs and lights to glow your nights at night. It can be proudly displayed on a sofa side table night stand to read some interesting novel or to complete some pending office work and on bed side stands to drink water or check any message on your phones. You can stencil any desired word on the lamp to make more style statements like “EUR’ has been scripted in this case. Its staining is also your personal choice though it has been sanded down smooth.