There are a lot of things in your surrounding that you witness almost daily but they get ignored by you being of no functional use. One of these things are the cable rolls or cable spools and the pallet wood which can perform wonderful works of charm if given a second chance to relive. And in our today’s post we are going to shoe you a very interesting and useful way of reviving pallets and the cable rolls to life together and you would love to witness the outcome of this recycling fusion.
So, check out this DIY pallet love seat with cable roll sides, to get a rustic styled seat for your garden and that too at no cost. The pallet slats have been separated and then stacked tightly to each other to form the back and the seat while the cable troll forms the unique sides of the love seat which act as the arms and legs at the same time. So hurry so copy this super cool idea and enjoy a rocking style seat with your dear on in the outdoors.
Made by: Wildebosch Customs