Like all other sections of the house bathrooms also need to be organized and look good and for that purpose you have to add some storage item there that can hold a lot stuff on. And this DIY pallet shelf for bathroom vanity can excellently perform that task with its consoling features and stylish look at the time. This cute little shelving unit has three layers of shelves lending you with a lot of space to hold you multiple toiletries like towels, shampoos, shower jells cotton sticks and many other utilities as well.
With its modish and sleek design it would add oodles of contemporary charm to your refreshing area. So keep all your bathroom accessories at your arm’s length and in your convenient approach with this pallet shelf so that you don’t waste time in finding one thing or the other. The style and beauty element has been enhanced more white coating all over the pallet furniture.

Made By: Pallet Carpentary