Real cozy statements of home interiors demand for each portion to be properly organized and functional at the same time and foyer, entryway and hallway are the locations to be taken into account in this respect! For cozy manifestations of all these valuable home location a slim top table if often preferred! Here we have this DIY pallet slim top table that will just fit best to any of you entryway, hallway and would also make great compliments to your foyer! Table is purely handcrafted and pallet-made and really looks subtle in this rustic form!
Design comes with a narrow slim top and a with built-in shelving level to be extra in its functional behavior! Without any twist or modifications in the shape, it can also serve as behind sofa table or side table in your living room! So what you are waiting for, ideas are here for you and pallets are just sitting around you always, just pick them up and turn them into sophisticated furniture pieces through a little crafting work!
Made by: LooneyBinTradingCo Etsy